They inquire into the science of matter and its composition, behaviour and properties, about algae, fungi, other living organisms and their reproductive life cycles, and about the animal kingdom, embryology, classification and evolution of animals, both living and extinct.
The three-year Bachelor of Science (Zoology, Botany, Chemistry) programme offered by the Department of Applied Science & Humanities is focussed on facilitating the students’ knowledge about the three subjects in detail, and how they can be combined for various vocational possibilities. The programme structure, which is based on NEP-2020, includes subjects such as Cytology, Genetics and Infectious Diseases, Microbiology and Plant Pathology, Fundamentals of Chemistry, Physiology, Evolutionary Biology, Embryology, Inorganic Chemistry, Analytical techniques in Animal Sciences, Economic Zoology and Biotechnology, Green Chemistry, Apiculture and Sericulture, Ethnobotany etc.
Students undertake co-curricular work in the areas of Food, Nutrition and Hygiene, First Aid and Health, and practical work is done on the topics of Biochemical Analysis, core Zoology, Botany and Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Plant Breeding and Tissue Culture. Some vocational courses are also part of the three years programme to impart practical skills to the students. The students finally undertake a professionally aligned course in human ethics and entrepreneurship that they can opt for in any semester of their choice.